A sensational opportunity for viognier disciples and aromatic white fans alike.
(This wine has not been reviewed at this point, but if it didn't score FIVE STARS across the board from the usual critics, we'd hang up our palates and get out of this crazy game).
No one loves a viognier deal more than Advintage and this is the best opportunity we've offered you in years. Produced in an opulent, reserve level style by lauded vintner Ant MacKenzie, this lush wine is a veritable showcase of those burnt orange, apricot and tangy citrus characters that viognier disciples adore.
2021 was brilliant vintage in Hawke's Bay and this lovely wine shows all the rewards of an excellent growing season. Handpicked fruit was 100% fermented in 1000L German fuder barrels and further oak aged for 10 months, to bring texture and layer after layer of exotic viognier flavours into play. It's complex. It's tropical. It's smoky. And it's really, really good.
If you're a viognier fan, this is the deal of the year. Climb in!
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Stock Level: | High |
Vintage: | 2021 |
Volume: | 750ML |
Alcohol: | 13.5% |
Seal Type: | Screwcap |