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Martin Bosley's recipe of the week

Pork Chops with Beans

Grilled Pork Chops with White Beans, Fennel and Spicy Sausage

Martin says: “It may seem unusual to eat a pork based sausage with a pork chop, but it actually works. Based on an Italian recipe, the white beans with the fennel and sausage also go well with grilled lamp or roast chicken. The best part of this dish is that you are eating it within 30 minutes of cooking it.

Ingredients / Serves 4

100g unsalted butter
4 pork chops
Salt and freshly found black pepper
2 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed
150g spicy pork sausage, finely diced
2 tbsp dry sherry
200g white beans, cooked
2 fennel bulbs, thinly sliced
300ml cream


Melt half the butter in a shallow frying pan until it begins foaming, then add the chops. Cook until golden brown, about four minutes, turn them over, season and cook for another four to six minutes or until the juices run clear. Remove the chops from the pan and keep them warm. Add the remaining butter to the pan and cook the garlic until golden brown. Add the spicy sausage and cook until fragrant, about two minutes, then pour in the sherry and cook for one minute. Stir in the white beans, fennel and cream, and simmer until reduced by half and the fennel is just cooked. Taste the sauce, and season with salt and pepper.

To serve

Divide the bean mixture among individual plates and place a pork chop on top. 

Wine match


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